Happy Birthday Briggs!! It has been an amazing and exciting year getting to know you and watching you grow from such a little baby into a big smiling boy!!
All along the way, you have hit us with surprises at every turn. You started off with your 3 week early entrance and have kept us on our toes every moment!
Now that you are 1 you are walking, talking, and making everyone smile! You are much more progressed in your physical development than verbal. Although you do babble and make some words, you are much more interested in getting into things and are constantly on the move! As of now, we have heard you say "momma", "dada", "dog", "whoa", "uh oh", and "ball". You also have learned to shake your head no which is funny because you tuck your chin in shake that head back and forth!! You sure know how to make people smile and love to laugh. Everyone who meets you says you are just the happiest baby. You really are a very happy fella, although we have seen the tears and tantrums too!
At your 12month appointment, you measured in at 21lbs, 7oz and were 28 3/4 inches long. You are pretty average size fella. Mostly you wear 12month clothes, but you can still fit into 9mo pants because you are fairly short.
You are a great eater and pretty much will eat anything I put in front of you. You are definitely a meat eater and will choose to eat meat over fruits and veggies! Some of your favorite foods are spaghetti, cherrios, bananas, yogurt, and animal crackers. You've got eight teeth to help with chewing up all that yummy food and you are pretty darn good at feeding yourself. It is easy to tell when you are done eating, you either start spitting food out OR start dropping it off of the high chair for Logan. Keep that up and he'll be your best buddy in no time!!
You are drinking whole milk now and only take a bottle when it's nap or bedtime. Otherwise you drink from a sippy cup and will guzzle water and milk. Daddy likes to break the rules from time to time and give you sips of Tea or Sprite. You even got a taste of Gatorade the other day.
You love to play with your toys and to read books. You like to play outside and especially like playing with toys that you can ride on. You are proficient at giving high-fives, waving bye-bye, and clapping. Although you rarely will do it on demand, it has to be on your time!
We watch lots of videos on the iPad. It is a great way to get you to hold still for diaper changes and also a great way to distract you. Pretty much all of the videos we watch are Sesame Street and most of them are song parodies. For now they seem to work and we are just trying our best not to wear out the trick!
For your first birthday, we traveled down to Summerville and celebrated with family. Your first birthday party was at Granny Brenda & Grandaddy Doyle's house and was just a great time! We had lots of food, played with friends, and got TONS of new toys!! You had a great time ... well ... except for that cake! You loved everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to you and loved to look at the cake, but you were NOT interested in eating it and were pretty mad that we tried to make you!
"♪♫Happy Birthday to Briggs!♫♪" |
I don't WANT to eat cake!! |
Birthday Bath! |
You got some awesome things for your birthday, but the big presents were:
- A big red car from mommy & daddy
- A wagon and a four-wheeler from Grammy & Grandpa
- A playhouse from Granny & Grandaddy