It's hard to believe that it's been 35 weeks already and that very soon we will be meeting Little Mr. Briggs Robert Black. I must say that this has been a very easy pregnancy and only now am I starting to get uncomfortable and really begin to feel pregnant. Before I forget some of the details, I want to jot down a few of our favorite moments!
February: The Test
I traveled to Florida for a work trip and at the same time, David went to Summerville to bring Rick up to Clemson to help him with some fence work. While in Florida, I just started to know, I was pregnant. So, the first thing I did when I got back home was go out to buy a pregnancy test. Shortly after David got home I slipped away to see if I could pass the test. Within seconds the lines indicated what I knew was already true, we were going to have a baby! I slipped the test into the room and then waited about 10 minutes. When I brought David back and showed him the test, he was ecstatic. He immediately said, "who should we call first!" I wasn't quite ready to share our news with the world, we had to make sure this was for real!
March 10th: First Dr's Appointment
We had been waiting for this day for what seemed like FOREVER! This was finally the day that we were going to be told by a medical professional that it was true! I can't tell you how thrilled David was to step foot into an OB-GYN office, certainly one of many uncomfortable moments for him! We came right back to the ultrasound tech and within a few minutes, she confirmed that we were indeed pregnant. When I finally wrapped my head around the image on the screen, all I could say was, "it looks like a chicken!" Judge for yourself ...
March 12th: Telling the Family
Certainly another day that we had anxiously been awaiting! I had ran right out with the ultrasound image and made "Birthday Invitations" for everyone to open. Now how to get everyone together without looking suspicious! There were obviously greater powers working together to make it happen, we were able to get my parents, David's parents as well as Pop & Nana out to dinner that Saturday at California Dreaming. David was so anxious, he was ready to hand out the cards as soon as we sat down! I made him wait until dinner was over and then we passed out the invitations. For some it was obvious what we were up to, others took a few seconds to catch onto our game. Needless to say, everyone was surprised and excited!
Monster, Morning Sickness, & Peanut Butter
I'm not sure when it started, but early on we nicknamed this fetus "Monster". I think for me mostly, this was much more loving than "IT". Some people really hated our nickname, but it has stuck and I am quite fond of my monster! Now when I sit back and watch my belly roll from one side to another, the name really seems to fit!
At the end of April I caught a stomach virus that knocked me on my REAR for nearly a week. This was likely the biggest scare I had throughout the pregnancy and truly the only time I ever got sick.
I really can't say that pregnancy ever made me crave anything in particular, just plain old HUNGRY! I've never been more hungry than I was during early pregnancy! I ate a lot of peanut butter to bide the time between meals.
June 2nd: Boy or Girl?
The morning of our 20 week ultrasound, I got up and while showering I had to have a little pep talk with myself. I'm not sure when it started, but I whenever I wasn't calling my fetus "monster" I was saying "him" or "he"! All I could think was BOY! So the pep talk I had with myself that morning was that this could be a girl and I would not be disappointed or a bad mom if that were the case!
So here we are, the second time David had to step into the OB-GYN! This time, David was a bit more comfortable and this time EVERYTHING was a bit more clear when our little monster came into view! The first images we saw on the screen as soon as we got started, his manhood. For nearly an hour, Briggs rolled all over showing us all the parts HE had as well as putting on quite a show for us. This was one of the most amazing and overwhelming experiences ever.
After the ultrasound, we were put into a room to wait for the doctor. This gave us some quiet time together to talk about what we just saw! I kept telling David "I told you so!" and then he said something I'll never forget. All along, David had kept telling me that this pregnancy was a girl and that a girl would certainly be easier. But here, he admitted ... he had prepared himself for a girl because of how badly he wanted a little boy.
This time, we didn't leave people waiting. As soon as we left the office, we called all the grandparents to make sure they knew IT'S A BOY!
Pregnancy Meltdown
When we moved into this house in October/November of 2008, we had done SO MUCH work to get in, that we really have done very little since. Sure there were some renovations here and there, but all the big inside work had halted. Now with Briggs on his way, we had a lot of work ahead of us. We knew what we needed to do (sheetrock, trim, crown, painting, AC, carpeting, and so on) but no matter how much I prodded, nothing seemed to be getting done. Until the day I had my first (and so far, only) pregnancy meltdown. I've never seen David jump to action quicker! Nearly 30 minutes POST breakdown, David was busy working on cutting trim and I was still on the couch crying. People had warned me about the pregnancy tears!!
Baby Showers
When I went to the doctor at the end of July for my glucose testing, I was blindsided when we had to start scheduling appointments for every other week rather than once a month. HOW did we get HERE so fast!? I realized quick, we better get this baby some stuff! So, in a matter of just 10 days, we had three baby showers!! One for the family and friends in Summerville, one for our Clemson friends, and one for all of my Clemson University family.
This was another overwhelming experience. We had SO many family and friends shower, no downpour, the gifts on us! So many clothes, toys, blankets, booppies, trucks, socks, buttpaste, books, and OH BOY the diapers and wipes!! Being the dork that I am, I had to tally up the supply of butt products ... 2,564 wipes and 1,614 diapers! I'll report later how long this stockpile lasts!!