Friday, April 27, 2012

7 months ... so many milestones

 There have been so many milestones this past month ... I sure hope I can remember everything I need to write in your blog this month!
You have come so far with eating solids, you absolutely LOVE food! For the most part, you have loved everything we have tried ... sweet potatoes (your favorite), peas, green beans, applesauce, bananas, pears, carrots, and butternut squash.  We'll have to try again with avocados and zucchini though!  You are eating two meals a day (lunch & dinner) and typically will eat a full serving of veggies or fruit as well as a bowl of oatmeal!  We both have gotten better with practice and dinner isn't quite as messy as it was before!
Just recently we began offering a sippy cup of water and for the most part it serves as a toy to distract you from eating (which takes about 30 minutes anyway), but occasionally it makes its way into your mouth for a sip or two!  
Over this last month you have been on your first AND second camping trips!  The first trip was with the grandparents to Hartwell State Park and then to Oconee State Park with my work friends.  You absolutely love being outdoors, so camping was lots of fun for you!
At your six month appointment you weighted in at 16lbs, 15oz (which tells me our scale at home is a bit off) and were 26 and 3/4 inches tall.  Your noggin measured in at 17 and 3/4 inches, which along with all your other stats put you in the 50th percentile.  
Your favorite book is "Go! Dog! Go!".  It is so much fun to watch your face light up when I get the book out for us to read.  It's a big board book, and while we read you rub your hands all over the pages and squeal!  There are only about maybe 1 - 8 words per page and we spend about 3 minutes looking at each page but the last page is your favorite!!  There is so much to look at during that silly dog party!!
You have become quite a pro lately at sitting up!  You can tell in this video I'm trying to hide the iPhone behind your toy so you'll play and not be distracted by the phone!
You are one happy baby and LOVE to giggle!  We still get the best giggles between dinner and bedtime!  I had to trick you here and hide the camera to get this video, it worked pretty well!
At first we knew your main love was ceiling fans, but NOW there is nothing in the WORLD you love more than Logan!  He really wants nothing to do with you right now, but occassionally he will humor you and let you pet him or even give you some kisses.  I love this video, you are so excited to see Logan and he is doing everything he possibly again to obey daddy while avoiding you!
You have nearly mastered the art of getting your toes into you mouth and soon enough your keen ability to get your socks off will pay off!
You are also working pretty hard at some new noises.  You would really like to say "bababababa" and you are able to move your mouth and imitate us, now every so often noise will come out too.  It won't be long!
In this past month you have gotten your two bottom teeth and you must be working on getting some others.  Your nighttime sleep patterns have been all over the place, you are a drool machine, and your newest obsession is your tongue.  You have even had some issues at at daycare eating and sleeping so I am certain there are more teeth coming.  
Daddy and I are absolutely thrilled with the newest skill too .. you have started reaching for us.  There is nothing that warms my heart more than your excitement when you see one of us!