The biggest news from this past month is that you are eating solid foods now! Now this has been quite an adventure in so many ways! The first attempt was definitely comical, but I was impressed in that you actually ate more food than I expected.
We started with rice cereal, then oatmeal, and now have added some fruits and next up are veggies. So far you have had bananas and apples and you seem to like both of those. Next up are sweet potatoes and squash. So far I have been making all your food fresh with our Baby Magic Bullet and it's been fun! Hopefully I can keep up with the demands! :) After the first few feedings we did discover it's much easier to feed you naked and then head straight for the bath tub. You love to dribble cereal onto your belly, smear it into your hair, knock the spoon onto the floor, and sneeze when your mouth is full! Now you are mastering the eating skills and you lean in to get to the spoon and even grab our hand to help get the spoon to your mouth as fast as possible.
We broke the "rules" and started eating before 6 months, but I am certain we made the right decision on this one! You are one hungry little boy and solids seem to satisfy you. Also, once we started solids you started pushing the sleep a bit further every night. Something has happened here lately though and we have reverted in sleeping habits and I'm just holding out for a consistent sleep through the night routine. Mommy would be really happy if you could give me that gift!! You go down for nighttime like a champ, we just lay you down and you're out in a matter of 5 minutes. Now I cannot say the same for naps. You fight your naps pretty hard and I have to rock you to sleep to get you down. Naps have also started to shrink in terms of length. Your longest naps now are about an hour and a half, but more typical is about 45 minutes to an hour.
I was surprised tonight when I weighed you and you hit 19lbs, I actually expected that you had broken the 20lb barrier, but I'm sure it won't be long!! You are quite the butterball and I am in love with every chub roll! One day we may see your neck again and when we do, I'm sure there will be some moldy oatmeal and bananas in there!
You are working hard to get stronger. You love to stand and bounce so you spend a lot of time in your exer-saucer and bouncy seat where you can show off these skills. You are almost strong enough to sit up on your own too. Just last week you started rolling over from your back to your belly and it appears now that you have mastered this skill. Now when I put you down and come back I'm never quite sure how I'm going to find you! Most of the time you are on your side and have flipped completely around from how I left you!
There are a few things that are absolute guarantees to get you to smile. One of those is getting tossed in the air by your daddy. Some of the best laughs come at night before and after bath time. And your new obsession is LOGAN! You watch him as he plays in the house and you just want to get your hands on him!! Logan isn't so sure about this and is doing his best to stay at a distance.