Sunday, July 1, 2012

9 months

Briggs man you have had another SUPER BUSY month!! In your 8th month of life, you have become an even cooler little dude and are really starting to share that awesome personality!
Overall the highlight for this month is that you are now fully mobile on your knees! Early on you started on your belly and would reach...reach for toys you wanted. That transformed into you getting onto all fours and rocking back and forth. By mid-month I spotted you taking a step or two with your knees and then of course, I left town for a work trip and that was all the motivation you needed to take off!! Now you have mastered crawling and are unstoppable!! Your poor knees, as well as the tops of your feet and big toes, are RAW! When I pick you up from school, you are FILTHY!! You are ALL over this house. You will come crawling to us, straight for what you are interested in and tonight you followed me down the hallway to get your bath!
Thank God this dirt wasn't from my floors!
We have somewhat Briggs proofed the house, but you keep showing us things that we need to work on. We had to go buy a super-duper baby gate for the steps down into the other living room. Every day you head straight for Logan's water bowl and love to splash in it. We have added bumpers to the coffee table and those are your favorite teething tools!  You love to pull up to your knees and bounce on the table, chairs, my legs ...
Ok, you may hate me for this one day, but OH WELL!
I was shocked the other night when we were getting ready for bed, I spotted a top tooth peeking through!! It has been quite awhile since those bottom teeth came in and there have been many times I thought you were about to sprout a tooth and here this one came totally unannounced!
You have continued to babbled my name and you made your daddy super proud when you added "dadadada" to your vocabulary! I have even heard byebyebye a few times too.
You are a great eater and we have added lots of textures as well as meat to the menu. You are a pro now at grabbing Cheerios and puffs, about half land in your lap, but you are able to get a few into your mouth!
This past weekend we went for your first swim in a big pool! You weren't that excited about the pool, you much preffered the naked drying off that followed!!