January 2nd marked the date that had long been looming, the day that I returned to work and Briggs started school at Clemson First Baptist Child Enrichment Center (CEC). In preparation I had some anxiety about a few things: 1. Getting us out the door, 2. Briggs adjusting to the school schedule, 3. Ensuring that the teachers knew everything they needed to know about Briggs and that I brought all the right accessories, and 4. Pumping at work.
Getting out the door has certainly gotten better with several days of practice! Lately Briggs wakes up around 3am to eat, so with the new schedule I have been waking him around 6:30am to eat again. Then I hand him off to David for burps, diaper change, and school clothes (some mornings this has been up to 3 outfits) while I continue getting ready. The goal is to get out the door between 7:15 and 7:25. The first week I never left the house before 7:45am! Luckily my work is understanding, so no biggie! This past Friday (the 13th), Briggs threw a little curveball into the schedule and slept 9.5hrs, waking up at 5:30am! It was a great treat and I'd love for that to be our new schedule!!
First week at school had some cold mornings! |
We post the reports at home, keep us all on the same page! |
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Ms Amanda & Briggs - Week 2 |
Forget turning his back to the TV! |
Last Friday David called me at work to say he wasn't feeling good and was headed home. By the time Briggs and I got home, David was in the bed with a fever. I immediately Lysol'ed the entire house and busted out some Clorox wipes to tackle every surface. I quarantined David and moved Briggs and I to the back bedroom. By the time I put Briggs down, I wasn't feeling so great either. To put it nicely, David and I were certain that we'd gotten food poisoning from the Mexican restaurant where we'd eaten his birthday dinner on Thursday night. We struggled through the weekend mostly laying around and hydrating. By Monday, I was back to 90% so I headed back to work. When I dropped Briggs off, I started telling Ms Amanda about our weekend. Turns out, we weren't the only ones who thought we'd been poisoned ... a stomach bug had obviously attacked!! THANKFULLY, the only symptoms I ever saw in Briggs were some extra dirty diapers. He stayed his normal, happy self through it all and was even nice enough to let mommy sleep!!
Briggs in the Johnny Jump Up |
Now this weekend I luckily have an extra day off for MLK. I'm going to need it!! I'm headed out today to restock our groceries and meal plan for the week and then to tackle cleaning this house!!
Now some videos that make me smile!
David and Briggs are WAY to cute when they spend time "talking" with each other!
I love Briggs' face at the start of this video, then he gets a little shy! He LOVES putting weight on his legs, so it was no surprise how much he liked his bouncy even if we had to do all the work!!
I totally understand about needing to go back to work, and there is nothing shameful about that at all. For your family, you working outside the home is the best thing and there is nothing wrong with that. I understand about the pumping thing. Sometimes the time just goes by and all the sudden you NEED to pump. The alarm is a great idea! You will get used the the routine.