Thursday, December 1, 2011

2 Months

Briggs you are now 2-months old!!  With each week that passes you change so much and continue to amaze us.

The most exciting thing is that with every day that passes you are perfecting your smiles.  You have the BEST smile - it lights up your entire face!!  We all try our best to get these smiles from you and you especially like when your dad sings the Bonanza song, "Chicka-chicka-boom-boom", or when I touch your cheeks. 

You are such a strong little man ... you have been rolling over (from your belly to your back) now since you were 6 weeks old.  When you are on your belly or laying on my chest you are a pro at lifting that head up so that you can see the world.  Most of the time you like to face forward so that you don't miss a thing.
Holding up that Noggin
You also really enjoy it when we stand you up so that you put weight on your legs.  It's amazing how strong your legs are and you wobble around for a few minutes until you tucker out!  You are getting big fast too.  You have doubled your birth weight and I have already started to put clothes away that you no longer can wear.  Right now you are wearing 3 month old clothes and can fit into most of your 3-6 month outfits.

You are finally starting to enjoy bathtime!  You love getting wet and when I spray near your face you like to open your mouth to get some water in it!  You think it's hilarious when I tell you I'm getting all your stink off!  You love to lay on your back and stare at the ceiling fan, the windows, lights, TV, and whatever else might catch your eye.  We all try so hard to be the center of your attention, but mostly you are amazed by the ceiling fan (on or off).  As of right now you really like to nap either in your swing or just laying on a blanket on the floor.  Often you will fall asleep after playing on your playmat.
Zonked Out!
You are really working hard on your sleep for me and I appreciate it.  In the last two weeks you have gone from sleeping at the most 4 hours to now sleeping 5, 6 and even 7 hours at night!  Hopefully by the time you start daycare next month you'll be a bit more consistent!  I love to watch you sleep and sometimes it's even more fun to LISTEN to you sleep!  During your naps you often coo, snore, or "call in the geese".  This is also a noise you like to make when you're eating, quite entertaining!  Often when you are falling asleep or waking up, you smile and laugh or will make a horrible face and cry out.  Those little laughs are what I'm waiting so patiently for!!  You also seem to get the hiccups all the time, luckily they don't phase you. 

Recently you have discovered your hands and you are trying your best to get that fist into your mouth!  This can get pretty frustrating and often you will settle for the pacifier.  This can also be pretty dangerous and as of today you have a big scratch on your nose from your fingernails.  Another recent discovery is your hair.  You love to play with your hair when you are laying down for playtime and twice now I have found you screaming because you are pulling your own hair!! 

Today we went for your 2-month check-up with Dr. Bruce.  She was very impressed with how well you are holding your head, and said this is more like the way a 4-month old should.  At today's check-up you weighed in at 12 lbs, 6.3oz, you measured 23.5 inches, and your head has grown to 16 inches in diameter!  This puts you in the 50th percentile which is great!!

Unfortunately today's check-up also meant that you had to get 3 shots.  I was very nervous about this, so I brought your dad along for support.  Of course you squalled when you got the shots and for the first time you cried real tears.  This really broke my heart.  I was glad that you were able to be tough for me and within a just a minute you stopped crying.  Unfortunately, we relived all of this later in the day when your band-aids came off.  Thank goodness for grape flavored Tylenol.

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