Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We have been having a BLAST lately with Briggs!  Not only does he give us the BEST smiles now, but we've had LAUGTER!!  On Friday (Dec 9th) Briggs laughed while he was awake for the first time!  I was getting him into the carseat to head out to run some errands and David was luckily home grabbing some lunch.  Briggs was wearing some camouflage pants so I was asking him if he was going goose hunting.  He thought that was HILARIOUS and gave us a few good giggles, it was great!!  No video of the laugh, but hopefully we'll have more of that soon to capture! 
Now we are routinely getting some gibberish talk out of him, it's so much fun!!  I have pieced together a some videos, one from a smiles session along with a few of our talking sessions!! You'll notice that most of his smile pictures and videos are when he's wearing PJ's, Briggs is very happy in the morning!!  I am definitely going to miss this time with him when I return to work next month.  I guess I'm going to have to watch this at work whenever I'm having a bad day!!

These are really just snip-its from multiple videos I've shot, if you are having a really bad day and need more, you can watch them all at our YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MrBriggsMonster

Briggs loves our Christmas tree.  It's a great tool for settling a fussy baby, so we may have a tree in our house for a few extra months!!
Babies love Christmas Lights
On Sunday, Briggs and I went with Jess to the Pendleton Christmas Parade.  It was quite chilly out, so I buddled him up in his new snowsuit and hat!  Briggs slept the ENTIRE time, aside from when the Pendleton Band's drum section went by!!  Seriously, he slept through music, police sirens, and even a crazy parade woman who came over to fuss over him and to give him a lollypop!
Watching the Christmas Parade

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